Escalation Period


S.NoDepartment NameComplaint CategoryNo.of Days
1 Accounts Contractor Bill Related 5
2 Accounts Group Schemes,Deposits,EMD and Refunds 11
3 Accounts others 11
4 Accounts Pension,Family Pension,DCRG Commutation Santioned Details 11
5 Accounts Special Provident Fund 11
6 eGovernance Online Payment 3
7 eGovernance online Receipt 3
8 Election Department Election- others 6
9 Engineering - Sewage Sewer House Block 19
10 Engineering - Sewage Sewer Main Block 19
11 Engineering - Sewage Sewer Manhole Open or Broken 19
12 Engineering - Sewage UGD - Cleaning of Drainage 19
13 Engineering - Sewage UGD- Chokking 21
14 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Blocking of UGSS 19
15 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Damaged Sewer Line 19
16 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Leakage of Drainage 19
17 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Open Man-hole 19
18 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Others 19
19 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Replacement of Damaged Man-hole Slab 19
20 Engineering - Sewage UGD-Sewer Line Overflow /Block 19